Staff Wellbeing at Salford City Academy

Staff wellbeing is a key priority within our academy; we are proud of the wonderful wellbeing initiatives that our staff can benefit from. To evidence our commitment to this, we publish our Staff Wellbeing Offer within the Staff Handbook. This offer is divided into five pillars: communication, development, recognition, resilience and support. These pillars are the fundamental areas that we believe underpin wellbeing for staff.  

Staff Wellbeing Committee

We have a proactive and dedicated Staff Wellbeing Committee with representatives from across our academy workforce. Our committee is divided into five action groups who lead mini projects. Additionally, we have an established group of Student Wellbeing Ambassadors who collaborate with the Staff Wellbeing Committee to promote mental health awareness across the whole academy. Working collaboratively with our students has been a key element of our vision to improve wellbeing for all. 

Reducing Workload

One recent wellbeing project has been focused on reducing workload. In response to staff feedback, we provided more opportunities for collaborative planning, dedicated moderation days and managers’ training focused on developing resilience and effective teamwork. We are currently partnered with Manchester Metropolitan University in an exciting three-year research project into teacher resilience and workload. 

Wellbeing Walks

To further promote wellbeing and collegiality, one of our most successful initiatives is our wellbeing walks. We embark upon half-termly outingwhich have included hikes to the summit of Kinder Scout, Mam TorSnowdon and Scafell. We have also enjoyed more leisurely strolls around Dovestones, Malham Cove and Macclesfield Forest. The walks have been extremely popular, allowing staff to enjoy the benefits of fresh air and exercise whilst spending quality time with colleagues. Our next challenge will take us on our biggest adventure yet – to the top of Ben Nevis and the completion of the three peaks! 

Rewards and Recognition

Our Staff Rewards and Recognition Policy sets out all the fantastic internal and external schemes that staff can take part in. One well-established initiative is our staff nomination system. Every week staff vote for colleagues who have gone the extra mile in supporting others a name is drawn at random and awarded a prize! Furthermore, at the end of every term, we have a wellbeing week where we remove all after-school meetings from the calendar and hold a larger celebratory event in recognition of the excellent contributions of our staff. 


In February 2022, Ofsted reported that based on the staff survey 100% of staff were proud to work at Salford City Academy; we believe this is testament to the daily commitment we have made to improve staff wellbeing. 

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