About Salford City Academy
High achieving school – verified by Ofsted and through our GCSE results.
Salford City Academy is a highly ambitious and successful 11- 16 academy part of the United Learning Multi-Academy Trust.
In February 2022 Ofsted judged the academy to continue to be a good school citing:
‘Pupils at Salford City Academy said that they enjoy coming to school to learn. They feel happy and safe at school.’ Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They are polite, courteous and well-mannered. Leaders do not tolerate any derogatory behaviour. Pupils respect each other’s differences.’
Salford City Academy sits within the top schools in Salford for progress in the DFE’s performance tables. In 2025 students achieved 72% in both English and Maths. Progress for pupil premium students has narrowed with academic results at the academy improving year on year. We are highly ambitious to be one of the highest performing schools in the Northwest.
Disruption free learning
We believe passionately that students should learn in a disruption free environment. Our expectations of behaviour are very high, and we believe that all of our students are capable of meeting them. We accept no excuses for disruption to learning or poor behaviour. We have a very clear and well-structured behaviour system which supports this.
Excellent continuous professional development and collaboration
Salford City Academy is committed to professional development; all staff are expected to actively participate in a programme of continuing professional development (CPD). We work collaboratively, share good practice, and have a Trust-wide approach to development.
Begin your teaching career at Salford City Academy, where the 'Culture of Excellence' fosters an empowering and positive ethos for both staff and students.